Grant Evaluation
IBH Analytics (IBH), in collaboration with SAMHSA, CDC, & DOJ grantees, monitors evaluative grant requirements, supports staff with data driven decision making as well as monitors program and individual progress. IBH aggregates data and consults with your organization to better understand the needs of your community from a holistic integrated approach. IBH understands the importance of funding and can assist your organization in their grant writing process. IBH has successfully helped grant applicants secure over $30.9 million in funding since 2018. Find Out More

Needs Assessment
IBH has developed a systematic process for identifying, determining, and addressing the differences or gaps between the current state of the organization and the desire state of the organization. This needs assessment will provide easy to interpret needs and gaps while taking into consideration geographic, cultural, or special populations within the catchment area. We ensure availability and delivery of services in a culturally competent manner to all beneficiaries, including those with limited English proficiency and diverse culture and ethnic backgrounds, disabilities, and regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Find Out More
Prevention Science & Analytics
Your community is unique and so are its needs. We work with you and your local community partners to provide data driven solutions to help you prioritize, implement, and measure your prevention strategies. IBH Analytics supports prevention organizations by measuring the impact of their mental health and substance use prevention programs and environmental strategies. Our clients use our prevention analytics to measure the success of their prevention initiatives and to assist in strengthening their communities. Find Out More

Evidence Based Practice Policy
The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports about half of those who experience a mental illness during their lives will also experience a substance use disorder and vice versa. IBH Analytics (IBH) provides consulting and evaluation expertise for the delivery of evidence-based practices (EBP) for the prevention and treatment of co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. We strive for effective treatment and prevention for youth and adults with co-occurring conditions. This is based on valid assessments as well as the targeted alignment of optimal services for both substance use and mental health needs. IBH helps select and implement existing EBPs. Additionally, we assist organizations in building, implementing, and evaluating their own unique evidence-based practice, policy, or program. Find Out More

Outcome Measures
IBH Analytics assists communities in identifying, developing, and measuring the impact of high-quality prevention and intervention programs which are designed to address risk factors and build protective factors. We assist substance use and mental health prevention and treatment programs with a systematic design to develop the evidence to demonstrate short-term and long-term outcomes. Find Out More
Quality Improvement Solutions
Whether you are looking to improve programming or increase outcomes, IBH Analytics can assist with any or all steps in the quality improvement framework from setting goals, establishing metrics, prioritizing changes, and monitoring results. Our approach is to evaluate the current practices and prioritize opportunities to achieve the desired outcome and vision for the organization.