IBH Analytics recently assisted the North Oakland Community Coalition (NOCC) from Michigan and the Palm Beach County Behavioral Health Coalition (PBCBHC) from Florida by writing for the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success (SPF-PFS) Grant Program.
The purpose of the SPF-PFS grant program is to help reduce the onset and progression of substance misuse and related problems. The SPF-PFS program utilizes the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) as an important component to deliver community engagement and public health grounded strategies. This data-driven and evidence-based services strategy includes an important emphasis on high-risk underserved communities and disparate or sub-populations of focus. SPF-PFS grant recipients focus on community-level prevention capacity to identify and address local substance use prevention concerns, such as: underage drinking, marijuana, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and opioids.
IBH Analytics assisted the NOCC and PBCBHC with their SPF-PFS grant writing by analyzing their local data and comparing it to national substance use public health data. The results of the analysis generate the identification of prevention priorities in their communities as well as an alignment of their data with the identified strategies. This process prevents the misuse of substances and promotes mental health and well-being among youth and adults in the affected communities.
At IBH Analytics, we have observed impressive outcomes with our current SPF-PFS program recipients due to the alignment of our data-driven approach and identification of the top influences of substance use and mental health concerns in local communities. We have been honored to observe our SPF-PFS grantees utilize a data driven approach to reach at-risk sub-populations and provide effective substance use and mental health solutions for those most in need in their communities.
Contact us for more info.